広島大学大学院 先進理工系科学研究科
土木構造工学研究室 半井研究室




  1. 半井健一郎,Surapong Uttama,岸利治:高炉スラグ微粉末混入モルタルの直接引張強度特性,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.22,No.2,pp.505-510,2000.6
  2. 半井健一郎,篠田昌弘,山本俊太,小島謙一,舘山勝,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:実プレローディド・プレストレスト(PL・PS)補強土橋脚の固有振動数,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.15,pp.302-311,2000.12 https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.15.302
  3. 山本俊太,篠田昌弘,半井健一郎,夏木敏宏,加藤鉄弘,北野靖行,加藤範久,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:ラチェット機能付きプレストレス維持装置を使用したプレローディド・プレストレスト補強土構造物共振時の動的応答特性,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.15,pp.284-293,2000.12  https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.15.284
  4. 篠田昌弘,石村隆俊,半井健一郎,山本俊太,夏木敏宏,加藤鉄弘,北野靖行,加藤範久,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:プレローディド・プレストレスト補強土構造物のレベルⅡ地震動に対する動的応答特性,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.15,pp.274-283,2000.12 https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.15.274
  5. 半井健一郎,篠田昌弘,渡辺健治,舘山勝,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:改良型プレストレス維持装置を用いたPL・PS補強土橋台の模型振動台実験,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.16,pp.45-52,2001.12 https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.16.45
  6. 古谷明寿,半井健一郎,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:免震基礎としてのPLPSジオテキスタイル補強盛土の振動台実験,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.17,pp.41-48,2002.12 https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.17.41
  7. 半井健一郎,渡辺健治,舘山勝,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:PL・PS補強土橋台の三次元模型振動台実験,ジオシンセティックス論文集,Vol.17,pp.33-40,2002.12 https://doi.org/10.5030/jcigsjournal.17.33
  8. 半井健一郎,三輪康宏,前川宏一:立体支持条件を考慮したディープビームの3次元非線形解析と検証,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.25,No.2,pp.1051-1056,2003.7
  9. 田嶋仁志,岸田政彦,半井健一郎,前川宏一,山本一敏:開削トンネルの隅角部付近の耐荷機構分析と耐震性能,構造工学論文集,Vol.50A,No.3,pp.969-978,2004.3
  10. 鍋島信幸,牧剛史,半井健一郎,平野勝識:液状化を生じる地盤におけるRC杭基礎の非線形応答に関する実験的研究,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.26,No.2,pp.1177–1182,2004.7
  11. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,岸利治,前川宏一:異なる温度環境下におけるセメント水和と空隙構造の相互依存性,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.26,No.1,pp.567–572,2004.7
  12. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,臼井達哉,前川宏一:セメント硬化体空隙組織の形成および劣化との連成によるカルシウム溶出解析,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.27,No.1,pp.715–720,2005.7
  13. 臼井達哉,石田哲也,半井健一郎,咲村隆人:ベントナイトおよび周辺地盤との連成によるセメント系複合材料からのカルシウム溶脱解析,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.27,No.1,pp.859–864,2005.7
  14. Hai Le Duyen,半井健一郎,前川宏一:離散配置されたせん断補強筋の効果と数値評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.27,No.2,pp.805–810,2005.7
  15. 牧剛史,前川宏一,半井健一郎,平野勝識:地盤中におけるRC杭基礎の非線形動的応答に関する3次元有限要素解析,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.27,No.2,pp.925–930,2005.7
  16. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,岸利治,前川宏一:セメント硬化体組織構造の温度依存性に基づく熱力学連成解析の高度化,土木学会論文集,No.802/V-69, pp.61-78,2005.11 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscej.2005.802_61
  17. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,前川宏一,中根理史:セメント系多孔体の水和組織形成とイオン平衡を考慮した強相関カルシウム溶脱連成解析,土木学会論文集,No.802/V-69,pp.79-96,2005.11 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscej.2005.802_79
  18. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,前川宏一:セメント系複合材料-自然地盤連成系を対象とする多相物理化学モデル,土木学会論文集,No.802/V-69,pp.137-154,2005.11 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscej.2005.802_137
  19. 半井健一郎,石田哲也:フライアッシュコンクリートの空隙形成と水分移動・平衡の連成解析に基づく収縮特性評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.28,No.1,pp.539-544,2006.7
  20. 臼井達哉,半井健一郎,石田哲也:熱力学連成モデルによる人工バリアの性能評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,第28巻,No.1,pp.761-766, 2006.7
  21. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, and Koichi Maekawa: Modeling of Calcium Leaching from Cement Hydrates Coupled with Micro-Pore Formation, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.4, No.3, pp.395-407, 2006.10 https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.4.395
  22. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, and Koichi Maekawa: Multi-scale Physicochemical Modeling of Soil-Cementitious Material Interaction, Soils and Foundations, Vol.46, No.5, pp.653-663, 2006.10 https://doi.org/10.3208/sandf.46.653
  23. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, Toshiharu Kishi, and Koichi Maekawa: Enhanced Thermodynamics Analysis Coupled with Temperature-Dependent Microstructures of Cement Hydrates, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.37, Issue 2, pp.139-150, 2007.2 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2006.10.006
  24. 半井健一郎,Hai Le Duyen,前川宏一:離散配置補強筋による既設RC部材のせん断補強効果,土木学会論文集E,Vol.63,No.1,pp.116-126,2007.2 https://doi.org/10.2208/jsceje.63.116
  25. 萩原淳弘,辻幸和,半井健一郎,李春鶴:FRPを補強材に用いたCPCはりにおける仕事量一定則の適用性,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.29,No.1,pp.513-518,2007.7
  26. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,李春鶴,三浦廣高:異なる養生下での各種コンクリート材料の空隙構造変化に基づく物質移動解析,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.29,No.1,pp.723-728,2007.7
  27. 峠坂直樹,杉山隆文,松田康紀,半井健一郎:ポリマーセメントモルタルで表面保護されたコンクリートの塩化物イオン浸透性,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.29,No.1,pp.975-980,2007.7
  28. 李春鶴,有賀大峰,辻幸和,半井健一郎:高炉スラグ微粉末で置換したPCグラウトを用いたPPCはりの曲げ性状,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.29,No.3,pp.451-456,2007.7
  29. 池田正志,青木文良,半井健一郎,辻幸和:粒度の異なる高炉スラグ微粉末を用いたPCグラウトのフレッシュ性状,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.61/2007,pp.142-147,2008.2
  30. 李春鶴,辻幸和,半井健一郎,青木文良:粒度の異なる高炉スラグ微粉末を用いたPCグラウトの高強度化,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.61/2007,pp.148-153,2008.2
  31. 藤田英樹,倉内英敏,半井健一郎,辻幸和:アーウィン系セメントを用いた低アルカリ性コンクリートのフレッシュ性状および硬化特性,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.61/2007,pp.248-254,2008.2
  32. 萩原淳弘,辻幸和,半井健一郎,李春鶴:床版に膨張コンクリートを用いた鋼合成桁の膨張および曲げひび割れ性状,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.61/2007,pp.624-631,2008.2
  33. 李春鶴,石田哲也,半井健一郎:複数の物理化学的分析を組み合わせた硬化コンクリートの配合推定方法の提案,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.30,No.1,pp.537-542, 2008.7
  34. 渡辺真樹,半井健一郎:ベントナイトへの炭酸水素ナトリウムの混合がセメント系材料の溶脱に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.30,No.1,pp.717-722,2008.7
  35. 池田正志,李春鶴,辻幸和,半井健一郎:異なる径の引張鉄筋を用いたPPCはりの曲げひび割れ性状,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.30,No.3,pp.541-546,2008.7
  36. 加邊圭太郎,杉山隆文,半井健一郎,辻幸和:比抵抗を用いた各種コンクリートの塩分浸透評価,材料,Vol.57,No.10,pp.1005-1010,2008.10 https://doi.org/10.2472/jsms.57.1005
  37. 李春鶴,半井健一郎,石井祐輔:材齢初期の乾燥および炭酸化がセメント硬化体の細孔構造および物質移動抵抗性へ与える影響に関する一考察,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.62/2008,pp.128-134,2009.2
  38. 半井健一郎,萩原淳弘,辻幸和:拘束の小さい膨張コンクリートへの仕事量一定則の適用手法,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.62/2008,pp.189-196,2009.2
  39. 藤田英樹,倉内英敏,半井健一郎,辻幸和:アーウィン系低アルカリ性セメントを用いたモルタルおよびコンクリートの長期硬化特性,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.62/2008,pp.283-288,2009.2
  40. 小野正博,半井健一郎,山田泰彰:ポーラスなセメント系材料のCa溶脱挙動における単位セメント量・骨材粒径・養生日数の影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.31,No.1,pp.841-846,2009.7
  41. 石井祐輔,李春鶴,半井健一郎,横塚清規:材齢初期からの乾燥および炭酸化がセメント硬化体の水和生成物と酸素拡散係数に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.31,No.1,pp.961-966,2009.7
  42. 森戸重光,半井健一郎:乾燥収縮ひび割れがRCはりのせん断耐力に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.31,No.2,pp.751-756,2009.7
  43. 李春鶴,半井健一郎,石井祐輔,横塚清規:材齢初期からの炭酸化がセメント硬化体の細孔構造および酸素拡散係数に与える影響に関する2,3の考察,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.63/2009,pp.99-106,2010.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.63.99
  44. 石井祐輔,半井健一郎,李春鶴:若材齢時の炭酸化によるセメント系硬化体の組成と空隙構造の変化が酸素拡散係数に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.32,No.1,pp.617-622,2010.7
  45. 半井健一郎,渡邉真樹,石井宏和,鯉渕清:隣接ベントナイトへの炭酸塩の混合がセメント系材料の溶脱に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.32,No.1,pp.713-718,2010.7
  46. 森戸重光,半井健一郎:収縮応力および収縮ひび割れがRC はりのせん断耐力に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.32,No.2,pp.673-678,2010.7
  47. Fujita Hideki, Kurauchi Hidetoshi, Nakarai Kenichiro, and Tsuji Yukikazu: Physical Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Low-Alkalinity Cement Based on Sulphoaluminate Clinker, Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Vol.38, No.9, pp.1623-1630, 2010.9
  48. 上原丈児,李春鶴,半井健一郎,石井祐輔:若材齢時から炭酸化したセメント硬化体の細孔構造および酸素拡散係数に及ぼすCO2濃度の影響,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.64/2010,pp.111-118,2011.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.64.111
  49. 半井健一郎,森田卓,辻幸和:低鉄筋比領域における膨張コンクリートのなす仕事量の再評価,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.64/2010,pp.154-161,2011.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.64.154
  50. 横塚清規,李春鶴,半井健一郎:若材齢時の炭酸化がセメント硬化体の酸素拡散係数の深度分布に及ぼす影響,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.64/2010,pp.370-376,2011.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.64.370
  51. 横塚清規,半井健一郎,李春鶴:供試体の寸法および乾燥期間がセメント系硬化体の中性化進行に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.33,No.1,pp.725-730,2011.7
  52. 上原丈児,半井健一郎:セメント系硬化体の酸素拡散係数に及ぼす養生温度の影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.33,No.1,pp.731-736,2011.7
  53. 鈴木裕二,半井健一郎,森勝伸,小林祐介:カルシウム溶脱によるウッドチップ混入ポーラスモルタルの曲げ強度変化,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.33,No.1,pp.1493-1498,2011.7
  54. 福田直,辻幸和,半井健一郎,水上達也:膨張コンクリートを用いた鋼合成桁における床版の膨張性状,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.33,No.2,pp.1201-1206,2011.7
  55. 半井健一郎,栗原勇典,橋田浩,辻埜真人:鋼製軽量型枠を用いた膨張コンクリートの簡易性能評価に関する仕事量による考察,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.65/2011,pp.209-216,2012.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.65.209
  56. 内川典賢,半井健一郎:ユーグレナを用いた光合成コンクリートの二酸化炭素固定性状,セメント・コンクリート論文集,No.65/2011,pp.536-543,2012.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.65.536
  57. 篠崎真澄,半井健一郎:再生骨材を用いたポーラスコンクリートの蒸発冷却効果,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.34,No.1,pp.1468-1473,2012.7
  58. 栗原勇典,半井健一郎:軽量型枠法を用いた膨張コンクリートの性能評価における自己収縮の影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.34,No.1,pp.1906-1911,2012.7
  59. Masanobu Mori, Yoshimasa Sekine, Naoko Hara, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuji Suzuki, Haruka Kuge, Yusuke Kobayashi, Akira Arai, and Hideyuki Itabashi: Adsorptivity of heavy metals CuII, CdII, and PbII on woodchip-mixed porous mortar, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.215-216, pp.202-208, 2013.1.15 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2012.10.097
  60. 松下翔太,半井健一郎:コンクリートの体積変化がRCはりのせん断耐力に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.35,No.2,pp.649-654,2013.7
  61. 別府克俊,丸山一平,半井健一郎,山田一夫:放射性セシウムによって生ずるコンクリート外壁の汚染とその評価に関する基礎研究,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.35,No.2,pp.1939-1944,2013.7 
  62. 半井健一郎,佐藤良一,小川由布子,河合研至:長期有効曲げ剛性式によるPC箱桁橋の長期たわみ評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.35,Vol.2,pp.469-474,2013.7
  63. 濵本夏美,半井健一郎,小川由布子,佐藤良一:塩分含有廃瓦粗骨材によるコンクリートの内部養生効果,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.35,No.2,pp.643-648,2013.7
  64. 小川由布子,川村和正,半井健一郎,佐藤良一:ごみ熔融スラグ細骨材を用いたコンクリートの力学特性に対する養生条件の影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.35,No.2,pp.1585-1590,2013.7
  65. 伊藤将志,半井健一郎,林明彦,河合研至:モルタル中のセシウムの浸透および溶出挙動における含水状態および浸せき条件の影響,セメント・コンクリート論文集,Vol.67,No.1,pp.210-215,2014.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.67.210
  66. 佐々木尚美,小林薫,半井健一郎:樹脂で補修したRC部材のテンションスティフニング効果,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.36,No.2,pp.397-402,2014.7
  67. 笹田航平,宮本和也,半井健一郎,佐藤良一:寸法および鉄筋比の異なる膨張RCはりのせん断強度評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.36,No.2,pp.445-450,2014.7
  68. 川井菜緒,笹田航平,半井健一郎,佐藤良一:RCはりのせん断強度に及ぼす収縮および破壊エネルギーの影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.36,No.2,pp.451-456,2014.7
  69. 佐々木尚美,小林薫,半井健一郎:樹脂注入による豆板補修工法の提案と各種材料強度の評価,土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造),Vol.70,No.2,pp.252-271,2014.6 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejmcs.70.252
  70. 林明彦,小川由布子,半井健一郎,河合研至:重金属添加方法の異なるセメントペースト内での重金属の捕集,セメント・コンクリート論文集,Vol.68,No.1,pp.375-381,2015.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.68.375
  71. 庄司慎,盛岡実,吉田智海,半井健一郎:炭酸化したセメント系砂質改良土の長期強度発現メカニズム,セメント・コンクリート論文集,Vol.68,No.1,pp.523-528,2015.2 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.68.523
  72. 横山勇気,半井健一郎,嶋倉ちづる,鯉渕清:飽和水酸化カルシウム水溶液作用下における無機材料混合ベントナイトの膨潤挙動,地盤工学ジャーナル,Vol.10,No.1,pp.45-55,2015.3 https://doi.org/10.3208/jgs.10.45
  73. 佐々木 尚美, 小林 薫, 半井 健一郎:はり下面に豆板補修箇所を有するRCはりのせん断破壊挙動に関する実験的検討,構造工学論文集,Vol.61A,pp.715-724,2015.3 https://doi.org/10.11532/structcivil.61A.715
  74. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste in the presence of alkali activator, Proceedings of JCI Annual Convention, Vol.37, No.1, pp.157-162, 2015.7
  75. 森優太,山中翔太,半井健一郎,西尾壮平:コンクリート構造物の表層品質を対象とした各種試験の比較,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.37,No.1,pp.673-678,2015.7
  76. 佐々木尚美, 小林薫, 半井健一郎:柱の基部に豆板補修部を有するRC柱の曲げせん断破壊,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.37,No.2,pp.1231-1236,2015.7
  77. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tomomi Yoshida: Effect of carbonation on strength development of cement-treated Toyoura silica sand, Soils and Foundations, Vol.55, Issue.4, pp.857-865, 2015.8 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2015.06.016
  78. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: A study on pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste activated by an injection of alkali solution, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.94, pp.28-34, 2015.9.30 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.06.046
  79. 佐々木尚美,小林薫,半井健一郎:正負繰返し載荷によるRCはり豆板補修部の界面剥離挙動の分析と提案補修工法の検証,土木学会論文集E2,Vol.71,No.4,pp.365-384,2015.11 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejmcs.71.365
  80. Kenichiro Nakarai, Shigemitsu Morito, Masaki Ehara, and Shota Matsushita: Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams: concrete volumetric change effects, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.14, pp.229-244, 2016.5.28 https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.14.229
  81. 山中翔太,半井健一郎:廃瓦骨材と塩分を併用したコンクリートの圧縮強度に及ぼす早期脱型の影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.38,No.1,pp.603-608,2016.7.7
  82. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Electrical resistance measurement to assess moisture transfer in cement-based mortar through water absorbing and drying processes,Proceedings of JCI Annual Convention, Vol.38, No.1, pp.813-818, 2016.7.6
  83. 佐々木崇,渡辺雅昭,盛岡実,半井健一郎:セメント系固化材を用いた改良土の炭酸化における強度特性およびエコロジカル評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.38,No.1,pp.2241-2246,2016.7.6
  84. 佐々木優,川井菜緒,半井健一郎,佐藤良一:石灰石骨材を用いたRCはりのせん断強度に及ぼす寸法,収縮および特性長さの影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.38,No.2,pp.271-276,2016.7.6
  85. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai: Effect of internal alkali activation on pozzolanic reaction of low-calcium fly ash cement paste, Materials and Structures, Vol.49, No.8, pp.3039-3053, 2015.8.29
  86. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuko Ogawa, Takashi Sasaki, and Minoru Morioka: Strength development of cement-treated soils: Effects of water content, carbonation, and pozzolanic reaction under drying curing condition, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.134, pp.703-712, 2017.3.1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.12.065
  87. 兵頭彦次,佐藤良一,河合研至,半井健一郎:せん断補強筋のないRCはりのせん断耐荷挙動に及ぼすコンクリートの収縮の影響,土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造),Vol.73,No.1,pp.50-69,2017.2.20 https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejmcs.73.50
  88. Kenichiro Nakarai, Ryoichi Sato, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai: Shear strength of reinforced limestone aggregate concrete beams, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.114, Issue.4, pp.1007-1017, 2017.7.1 https://doi.org/10.14359/51689725
  89. Phuong Trinh Bui,小川由布子,半井健一郎,河合研至:Long-term pore structure of internally cured fly ash cement paste by an injection of water,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.39,No.1,pp.109-114,2017.7.12
  90. 佐々木崇,渡辺雅昭,盛岡実,半井健一郎:カルシウムアルミネートを用いた改良土の特性と炭酸化における強度変化,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.39,No.1,pp.2005-2010,2017.7.12
  91. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai, and Ryoichi Sato: Internal curing of Class-F fly-ash concrete using high-volume roof-tile waste aggregate, Materials and Structures, Vol.50, 203, 2017.7.21 https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-017-1073-z
  92. Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, Kenichiro Nakarai, Van Piseth, Nobuhiro Chijiwa, and Koichi Maekawa: Shear creep failures of RC slender beams without shear reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, Vol.114, No.6, pp.1581-1590, 2017.11.1 https://doi.org/10.14359/51700916
  93. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuko Ogawa, Takashi Sasaki, and Minoru Morioka: Effect of internal water content on carbonation progress in cement-treated sand and effect of carbonation on compressive strength, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.85, pp.9-21, 2017.10.3 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.09.016
  94. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Myriam Duc, Alain Le Kouby, Abdelhak Maachi, and Takashi Sasaki: Analysis of strength development in cement-treated soils under different curing conditions through microstructural and chemical investigations, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.166, pp.634-646, 2018.2.22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.112
  95. 舌間孝一郎,辻幸和,半井健一郎,李春鶴:膨張コンクリートが偏心二重鋼管に対してなす仕事量,セメント・コンクリート論文集,Vol.71,No.1,pp.218-225,2018.3.30 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.71.218
  96. 横山勇気,酒井雄也,半井健一郎,岸利治:異なる配合と養生を与えたコンクリートの表層透気係数の経年変化,セメント・コンクリート論文集,Vol.71,No.1,pp.410-417,2018.3.30 https://doi.org/10.14250/cement.71.410
  97. Nakarai Kenichiro, Shitama Koichiro, Nishio Sohei, Sakai Yuya, Ueda Hiroshi, and Kishi Toshiharu: Long-term permeability measurements on site-cast concrete box culverts, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.198, pp.777-785, 2019.2.20 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.11.263
  98. Hoang Viet Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Akeru Okazaki, Hideaki Karasawa, Yuji Tadokoro, and Masato Tsujino: Applicability of a simplified estimation method to steam-cured expansive concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.95, pp. 217-227, 2019.1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.11.002
  99. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yasutaka Kubori, and Sohei Nishio: Validation of simple nondestructive method for evaluation of cover concrete quality, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.201, pp.430-438, 2019.1.3 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.12.109
  100. Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuji Suzuki, Masanobu Mori, Lanh Si Ho, Akira Arai, and Yusuke Kobayashi: Physicomechanical properties and durability of a new lightweight porous mortar utilizing woodchips, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.235, pp.158-165, 2019.10.20 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.244
  101. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Sohei Nishio: Durability index for quality classification of cover concrete based on water intentional spraying tests, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.104, 103355, 2019.6.26 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2019.103355
  102. 山本雅行,下瀬千江里,半井健一郎:既設コンクリート構造物における塩分拡散係数と透気係数の関係,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.41,No.1,pp.623-628,2019.7
  103. 久堀泰誉,半井健一郎:試験体採取方法が吸水試験結果に与える影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.41,No.1,pp.635-640,2019.7
  104. 山本雅行,布施正暁,半井健一郎:既設コンクリート構造物における塩化物イオンの浸透と外観劣化グレードの関係,コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集,Vol.19,pp.605-610,2019.10
  105. 泉尾英文,半井健一郎,吉田雅彦,清田正人:含水比の異なる周辺土との接触がセメント安定処理土の表層強度に与える影響,地盤工学ジャーナル,Vol.14,No.4,pp.307-320,2019.12.25 https://doi.org/10.3208/jgs.14.307
  106. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuya Kai, and Sohei Nishio: Early evaluation of cover concrete quality utilizing water intentional spray tests, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.231, 117144, 2019.10.15 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117144
  107. Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, Kenichiro Nakarai, Nobuhiro Chijiwa, Koichi Maekawa, and Stefanus Kristiawan: Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Shear Strength of RC Slender Beam Under Different Loading Rates, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.897 pp91-97, 2020.4 https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.897.91
  108. Xiangen Wang, Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, Hiroki Nishikawa, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Effect of water–cement ratio, aggregate type, and curing temperature on the fracture energy of concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.259, 119646, 2020.6.23 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119646
  109. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Roberto Torrent: Service life prediction of steam-cured concrete utilizing in-situ air permeability measurements, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.114, 103747, 2020.7.28 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103747
  110. Hoang Viet Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kien Hoang Pham, Saeko Kajita, and Takahiro Sagawa: Effects of slag type and curing method on the performance of expansive concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Vol 262, 120422, 2020.9.2 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120422
  111. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenta Eguchi, and Yuko Ogawa: Difference in Strength Development between Cement-Treated Sand and Mortar with Various Cement Types and Curing Temperatures, Materials, Vol.13, No.21, 4999, 2020.11.6 https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13214999
  112. Verónica Bueno, Kenichiro Nakarai, May Huu Nguyen, Roberto Juan Torrent, and Isao Ujike: Effect of surface moisture on air-permeability kT and its correction, Materials and Structures, Vol.54, 89, 2021.4.1 https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-021-01666-1
  113. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masahito Shibata, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Hitoshi Owada and Georg Kosakowski: Calcite precipitation at cement–bentonite interface. Part 1: Effect of carbonate admixture in bentonite, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.19, No.5, pp.433-446, 2021.5.25 https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.19.433
  114. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masaki Watanabe, Kiyoshi Koibuchi and Georg Kosakowski: Calcite Precipitation at Cement–Bentonite Interface. Part 2: Acceleration of Transport by an Electrical Gradient, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.19, No.5, pp.447-461, 2021.5.25 https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.19.447
  115. Yuki Yokoyama, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuya Sakai, and Toshiharu Kishi: Influences of moisture change and pore structure alteration on transport properties of concrete cover, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.122, 104090, 2021.5.24 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2021.104090
  116. 横山勇気,半井健一郎,岸利治:硝酸銀水溶液噴霧による水の浸透深さの測定と非破壊試験との相関,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.43,No.1,pp.407-412,2021.7
  117. Do Bui Cong, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Hiroki Nishikawa: Effects of early-age thermal microcracking on material properties and structural performance of limestone aggregate concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.124, 104267, 2021.9.22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2021.104267
  118. Masanobu Mori, Ikuto Hiratsuka, Hideyuki Itabashi, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Toru Inui: Woodchip-mixing porous mortar’s adsorption of cesium in aqueous media, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2022.4.11 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-022-01397-7
  119. Kenichiro Nakarai, Kazuhito Niwase, Masanori Miyamoto, Tai Sasaki:Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Japan and Role of Cementitious Materials, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.20, No.5, p.359-374,2022. https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.20.359
  120. May Huu Nguyen, Sohei Nishio, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Effect of temperature on nondestructive measurements for air permeability and water sorptivity of cover concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.334, 127361, 2022.6.6
  121. Hidefumi Izuo, Kenichiro Nakarai, Dmitrii A. Kulik: Twenty-two-year investigation of strength development and surface deterioration of cement-treated clay in an in-situ field test, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 134, 104783,2022.11
  122. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Roberto Juan Torrent, Vero´nica Bueno: Concrete carbonation prediction based on air-permeability tests with moisture compensation, Materials and Structures, Vol.56, No.3, 2023.
  123. Adhitya Leonard Wijaya, Saeko Kajita, Yuji Tadokoro, Masayuki Uchino and Kenichiro Nakarai: Strength and air permeability of steam-cured expansive concrete: effects of chemical prestress, water-to-binder ratio, and curing condition, Materials ans Structures, 2023.8


  124. Duy Dung Khuat, Shota Yamanaka, May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai: Combined effect of internal curing and hydration promotion on concrete performances: Contributions of roof-tile waste aggregate and chloride-based accelerator, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.411, 134527, 2024.1.12



  1. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masahiro Shinoda, Kenji Watanabe, Masaru Tateyama, Taro Uchimura, and Fumio Tatsuoka: Seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil bridge abutment, International Conference on Geosynthetics, 7th, Nice, France, pp.249-252, 2002.9.22-27
  2. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tetsuya Ishida: Modeling of Time-dependent Material Properties of Cemented Soil based on Thermodynamic Approach, The Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-9), Bali, Indonesia, 2003.12.16-18
  3. Koichi Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, and Nakarai, K., Computational Platform for Life-cycle Assessment of RC/PC Infrastructures, International Conference on Construction IT, Beijing, China, 2004.8.15-17
  4. Tetsuya Ishida, Nakarai, K., Kukrit Toongoenthong, and Koichi Maekawa: Multi-scale Modeling for Corroded Reinforced Concrete and Soil Foundation, World Conference on Computational Mechanics VI, Beijing, China, 2004.9.5-10
  5. Kenichiro Nakarai, Naoya Nagao, Shunichi Igarashi, and Koichi Maekawa: Damage Analysis of RC Members with Ruptured Main Reinforcement, The First International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2004.10
  6. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, Toshiharu Kishi, and Koichi Maekawa: Enhanced Modeling of Microstructure Formation of Cement Hydrates Coupled with Thermodynamics, Cementitious Materials as Model Porous Media: Nanostructure and Transport Processes, Monte Verità, Switzerland, 2005.7
  7. Kenichiro Nakarai and Koichi Maekawa: Capacity Assessment of RC Members and Knee Joints with Ruptured Main Reinforcement, Construction Materials, Proceedings of ConMat ’05 and Mindess Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 2005.8
  8. Tetsuya Ishida, Koichi Maekawa, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Multi-Scale Modeling of Concrete Performance, COE Workshop on Material Science in 21st century for the construction industry – Durability, repair and recycling of concrete structures, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2005.8.
  9. Koichi Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, and Keinchiro Nakarai: Chemo-Physical and Mechanical Approach to Performance Assessment of Structural Concrete and Soil Foundation, Transport Properties and Concrete Quality Workshop, Arizona, The United States, 2005.10
  10. Tetsuya Ishida, Koichi Maekawa, and Kenichiro Nakarai: A Unified Approach to Performance Evaluation of Existing Concrete Structure – Integration of a Numerical Simulation Scheme and Durability Indicators, International RILEM Workshop on Performance Based Evaluation and Indicators for Concrete Durability, Madrid, Spain, 2006.3
  11. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, and Koichi Maekawa: Multi-Scale Analysis of Calcium Leaching from Cement coupled with Pore Structure Formation, Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Montreal, Canada, 2006.6
  12. Koichi Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Multi-Chemo Physical Approach to Life-Cycle Assessment of Structural Concrete, The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, Vol.1, pp.81-90, 2006.8.3-5
  13. Hung M. Dinh, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Koichi Maekawa: Evaluation on the Stiffness of RC Member with Consideration to Moisture Transport and Change in Volume, The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, Vol.2, pp.217-222, 2006.8.3-5
  14. Yohei Akioka, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Tetsuya Ishida: Multi-Scale Analysis of Calcium Leaching from Cemented Soil based on Thermodynamic Approach, The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, Vol.6, pp.455-460, 2006.8.3-5
  15. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tatsuya Usui, and Tetsuya Ishida: Performance Evaluation of Engineered Barrier based on Thermodynamic Modeling of Coupled Cementitious Material and Bentonite, The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, Vol.6, pp.773-778, 2006.8.3-5
  16. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tatsuya Usui, and Tetsuya Ishida: Numerical Evaluation of Calcium Leaching from Cementitious Materials in contact with Bentonite, The International Symposium on Social Management Systems (ISMS2007), Yichang, China, 2007.3.9-11
  17. Yukikazu Tsuji, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Li Chunhe: International Technical Standards in the Field of Concrete, The International Symposium on Social Management Systems (ISMS2007), Yichang, China, 2007.3.9-11
  18. Masaki Watnabae, Kenichiro Nakarai, Takafumi Sugiyama, Naomi Tomizawa, and Yukikazu Tsuji: Effect of dry density of bentonite in contact with concrete on its alteration after electrical migration, 32th Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures, Singapore, pp. 467-482, 2007.8.29
  19. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tetsuya Ishida: Computational approach to shrinkage of fly ash concrete based on integrated modeling of moisture state and pore structure formation, International Seminar on Durability and Lifecycle Evaluation of Concrete Structures, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 2007.9
  20. Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, Koichi Maekawa, and Toshiharu Kishi: Modeling of calcium leaching from cement hydrates coupled with microstructure formation, 2nd international conference on concrete modeling (ConMod08), Delft, Netherlands, 2008.5.27
  21. Koichi Maekawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Tetsuya Ishida: Modeling of Calcium Leaching from Cemented Composites Coupled with Micro-Pore Structural Reform (Keynote Lecture), 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) and 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008.7.1
  22. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tetsuya Ishida: Numerical evaluation of influence of pozzolanic materials on shrinkage base on moisture state and pore structure, 8th International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP8), Ise-Shima, Japan, 2008.9.30
  23. Ryoichi Sato., Takumi Shimomura, Ippei Maruyama, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Durability mechanics of concrete and concrete structures – re-definition and a new approach, Committee Reports of JCI, 8th International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP8), Ise-Shima, Japan, 2008.10.1
  24. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masaki Watanabe, Takafumi Sugiyama, and Yukikazu Tsuji: Evaluation of long-term durability of engineered barrier system of bentonite and cementitious materials by migration technique, 2nd International Workshop: Mechanisms and modelling of waste/cement interactions (Cement08), Le Croisic, France, 2008.10.14
  25. Takeshi Torichigai, Kousuke Yokozeki, Tetsuya Ishida, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Daisuke Sugiyama, Comparative study using some advanced simulation methods for leaching of cementitious materials over thousands of years, 2nd International Workshop: Mechanisms and modelling of waste/cement interactions (Cement08), Le Croisic, France, 2008.10.16
  26. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masaki Watanabe, and Kiyoshi Koibuchi: Evaluation of long-term durability of concrete contact with bentonite mixed with NaHCO3 by electrical migration technique, International RILEM Workshop on Long-Term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Management (NUCPERF2009), Cadarache, France, 2009.4.1
  27. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tetsuya Ishida: Numerical evaluation of cement/bentonite interaction in engineered barrier system, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (EGU2009), Vienna, Austria, 2009.4.22
  28. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masaki Watanabe, Kiyoshi Koibuchi, and Yukikazu Tsuji: Evaluation of long-term durability of concrete contact with bentonite by electrical migration technique for Nuclear Waste Management, The Fred Glasser Cement Science Symposium, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 2009.6.18
  29. Kentaro Suhara, Masanobu Ashida, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Yukikazu Tsuji: Mechanical Behaviors and Evaluation of Expansive Concrete Applied to Reinforced Concrete Member, 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Nagoya, Japan, pp.471-478, 2009.8.24-26
  30. Hideki Fujita, Hidetoshi Kurauchi, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Yukikazu Tsuji: Physical Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Low-Alkalinity Cement Based on Sulphoaluminate Clinker, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Cement & Concrete, Jinan, China, 2010.5.11
  31. Kenichiro Nakarai, George Kosakowski, Berner Urs, and Hitoshi Owada: Evolution of cement-bentonite interfaces: Experiments and models, ModelCare 2011, Leipzig, Germany, 2011.9.19
  32. Yuki Yokoyama and Kenichiro Nakarai: Swelling deformation of the bentonite mixed with silica fume or sodium carbonate in calcium hydroxide solution, Second International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp.172-175, 2012.11.14-16
  33. Kenichiro Nakarai and Tomomi Yoshida: Effect of carbonation on strength of cement treated sand, Second International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 672-675, 2012.11
  34. Masumi Shinozaki and Kenichiro Nakarai: Evaporative cooling effect of porous concrete with recycled aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, Tokyo, Japan, pp.233-238, 2013.5.27
  35. Kazumasa Kawamura, Yuko Ogawa, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Kenichiro Nakarai and Ryoichi Sato: Properties of concrete containing a molten slag as fine aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, Tokyo, pp.252-257, 2013.5.27
  36. Kenichiro Nakarai, Kazumasa Kawamura, Yuko Ogawa and Ryoichi Sato: Structural Performance of RC Beams Containing a Molten Slag as Fine Aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, Tokyo, Japan, pp.760-765, 2013.5.29
  37. Ryoichi Sato, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai: An Effective Flexural Stiffness Equation for Long Term Deflection of Prestressed Concrete with and without Cracks, Proceedings of the ninth international Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete, Massachusetts, the United States, pp.451-458, 2013.9
  38. Kenichiro Nakarai and Yuki Yokoyama: Effect of pozzolan on cement-bentonite interaction in nuclear waste management, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT3), Kyoto, Japan, 7p., W1-1K-3, 2013.8.21
  39. Masashi Ito, Kenichiro Nakarai, Akihiko Hayashi, and Kenji Kawai: Behavior of Penetration and Leaching of Cesium in Mortar Having Various Fine Aggregates and Moisture Content, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Nagoya, Japan. pp.394-399, 2013.11.15.
  40. Yuki Yokoyama and Kenichiro Nakarai: Swelling Deformation of Bentonite Mixed with Inorganic Materials in Alkaline Solution, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Nagoya, Japan, 2013.11
  41. Kenichiro Nakarai, Shota Matsushita, and Shigemitsu Morito: Effect of volume change of concrete on shear capacity of RC beam and its evaluation, Fourth international fib congress 2014, Mumbai, India, 2014.2.11
  42. Naomi Sasaki, Kaoru Kobayashi, and Kenichiro Nakarai: A new repair method of honeycombing by resin infusion without removing attached aggregates, Fourth international fib congress 2014, Mumbai, India, 2014.2.12
  43. Kenichiro Nakarai: Sustainable construction work based on prediction and verification considering interaction in total system, International workshop on concrete sustainability, Takamatsu, Japan, 2014.3.7
  44. Kenichiro Nakarai, Kazumasa Kawamura, Yuko Ogawa and Ryoichi Sato: Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing a Molten Slag as Fine Aggregate, Hybrid 2014 Exploring the Potential of Hybrid Structures for Sustainable Construction, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2014.6.23.
  45. Kenichiro Nakarai, Masahito Shibata, and Hiroyuki Sakamoto: Calcium leaching of cement paste in contact with bentonite mixed with carbonate for engineered barrier system, Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE2014), Tokyo, Japan, 2014.10.19
  46. Kenichiro Nakarai, Isao Kurashige, and Toshiharu Kishi: Covercrete quality and durability verification of concrete structures, International Conference on the Regeneration and Conservation of Concrete Structures (RCCS), Nagasaki, Japan, 2015.7.2
  47. Kenichiro Nakarai: Activity of JSCE TC 335 and subsequent deployment, International Workshop on Concrete Durability, Nagasaki, Japan, 2015.7.4
  48. Kenichiro Nakarai, Ryoichi Sato, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai: Effect of lime stone aggregate on drying shrinkage and shear strength of RC beam, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP-10), Vienna, Austria, 2015.9.21
  49. Van Piseth, Kenichiro Nakarai, Nobuhiro Chijiwa, and Koichi Maekawa: Experimental Study on Effects of Loading Rate on the Shear Performance of RC Beam, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP-10), Vienna, Austria, 2015.9.22
  50. Yuko Ogawa, Shoichi Kameta, Ryoichi Sato, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Experimental studies on effective creep coefficient in prestressed concrete girder, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP-10), Vienna, Austria, 2015.9.21
  51. Nobuhiro Chijiwa, Xiaoxu Zhu, Hiroki Ohno, Shigeru Tanabe, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Koichi Maekawa: Delayed shear crack formation of shallow RC box culverts in service, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP-10), Vienna, Austria, 2015.9.22
  52. Kenichiro Nakarai: Effect of volumetric changes of concrete and loading rates on shear strength of RC beams, The 14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2015), Taoyuan, Taiwan 2015.10.9
  53. Yuta Mori, Shota Yamanaka, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Sohei Nishio: Comparative Study of Permeability Tests of Covercrete, The 14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2015), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2015.10.9
  54. Nao Kawai, Kenichiro Nakarai, Yuko Ogawa, and Ryoichi Sato: Effect of limestone aggregate on shear strength of RC beams, The 14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2015), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2015.10
  55. Kenichiro Nakarai, Nao Kawai, Ryoichi Sato, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai: Effect of lime stone aggregate on properties of concrete and reinforced concrete structure, The Third Scientific Conference in Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015.10.17
  56. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Takashi Sasaki, Masaaki Watanabe, and Minoru Morioka: Effect of carbonation under drying condition on strength development of cement-treated soil, The Third Scientific Conference in Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2015.10.17
  57. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Effect of Internal Activation on Pozzolanic Reaction in Fly Ash Cement Paste by Using Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Proceedings of the Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp.1192-1199, 2016.1.6-8
  58. Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai, and Ryoichi Sato: An Experimental Study on the Effect of Internal Curing with Roof Tile Waste on Relative Humidity of Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp.1215-1222, 2016.1.6-8
  59. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Takashi Sasaki, Masaaki Watanabe, and Minoru Morioka: Effects of Carbonation and Water Content on Strength Development of Cement-Treated Soil, Proceedings of the Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp.1026-1032, 2016.1.6-8
  60. Phuong Trinh Bui, Kazuki Ootaishi, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Effect of Internal Alkali Activation on Long-Term Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash in Cement Paste, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS16), Madrid, Spain, pp.1215-1226, 2016.6.13
  61. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kenji Kawai: Effect of Injection of NaOH Solution on Pozzolanic and Hydration Reactions in Low-Calcium Fly Ash Cement Paste, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), Las Vegas, Nevada, pp.601-610, 2016.8.7
  62. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Takashi Sasaki, Masaaki Watanabe, and Minoru Morioka, Contribution of carbonation under drying curing condition to strength development of cement-treated soils, The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.8.29
  63. Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, Kenichiro Nakarai, Van Piseth, Nobuhiro Chijiwa and Koichi Maekawa: Effect of loading conditions on shear creep failure of RC beams, The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.8.31
  64. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai, and R. Sato: Effects of internal curing with high-volume roof tile waste on compressive strength and porosity of fly ash concrete, The 7th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF2016), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2016.10.30
  65. Yuh Sasaki, Kenichiro Nakarai, Hideaki Karasawa, Yuji Tadokoro, and Masato Tsujino: Application of a simple evaluation method for steam cured expansive concrete, The 7th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF2016), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2016.10.30
  66. Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai and Kenji Kawai: An experimental investigation of hardness and pore structure of low-calcium fly ash cement paste internally alkali activated using roof tile waste aggregate, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, 12p., Ghent, Belgium, 2017.5.29-31.
  67. Kenichiro Nakarai: Concrete Engineering and its Contribution to Nuclear Waste Management, Research Conference on Cementitious Composites in Decommissioning and Waste Management (RCWM2017), Tomioka, Fukushima, Japan, 2017.6.20
  68. Xiangen Wang, Hiroki Nishikawa, and Kenichiro Nakarai: Fracture Energy of Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperature at Early Ages, The 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2017), Tainan City, Taiwan, 2017.11.13
  69. Akeru Okazaki, Kenichiro Nakarai, Hideaki Karasawa, Yuji Tadokoro, and Masato Tsujino: Temperature influence analysis on performance evaluation of expansive concrete under steam curing, The 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2017), Tainan City, Taiwan, 2017.11.13
  70. Yasutaka Kubori and Kenichiro Nakarai: Influence of curing condition on water absorption and chloride penetration into concrete, international conference on civil and environmental engineering, The 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2017), Tainan City, Taiwan, 2017.11.14
  71. Hiroki Nishikawa, Yu Sasaki, Xiangen Wang and Kenichiro Nakarai: Effects of high temperature history at early age and drying on shear strength of RC beams with limestone aggregate, The 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2017), Tainan City, Taiwan, 2017.11.14
  72. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenta Eguchi, Takashi Sasaki, and Minoru Morioka: Effect of cement types on strength development of cement-treated soils, Proceeding of The Seventh International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, GEOMATE 2017, Mie, Japan, pp. 212-217, 2017.11.22
  73. Kenichiro Nakarai: Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams: Effects of concrete volumetric change and limestone aggregate, 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), Solo, Indonesia, 2018.7.11
  74. Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, Kenichiro Nakarai, Nobuhiro Chijiwa, and Koichi Maekawa: Analytical Study on Creep Shear failures of RC Slender Beams Without Web Reinforcement, 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), Solo, Indonesia, 2018.7.12.
  75. Lanh Si Ho, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenta Eguchi, Takashi Sasaki, and Minoru Morioka: Strength Development of Cement-Treated Sand Using Different Cement Types Cured at Different Temperatures, 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), Solo, Indonesia, 2018.7.12.
  76. Asuka Mizobe, Kenichiro Nakarai, Hiroki Nishikawa, and Halwan Alfisa Saifullah: Effect of shear reinforcement on shear strength of RC beam with Limestone aggregate, The 17th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2018), Dalian, China, 2018.10.15
  77. Saeko Kajita, Akeru Okazaki, Hoang Viet Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, Hideaki Karasawa, and Yuji Tadokoro: Performance evaluation of expansive concrete members affected by drying, The 17th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE2018), Dalian, China, 2018.10.15
  78. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Saeko Kajita: Air Permeability of Precast Concrete Box Culvert Applying Steam Curing Condition, The International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICSCEA 2019), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp 425-430, 2019.10.25
  79. Yuka Yoshizumi, Kenichiro Nakarai, May Huu Nguyen, Norie Tada, and Masayuki Yamamoto: Chloride Penetration Test of Concrete Simulating Deicing Salt Attack, The International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICSCEA 2019), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp 431-436, 2019.10.25
  80. Kengo Morita, Kenichiro Nakarai, Lanh Si Ho, and Takashi Sasaki: Fundamental study on durability of cement-treated clay in contact with surrounding clay, ICCEE2019, Pukyong National University, Pukyon, Korea, 2019.10.28
  81. May Huu Nguyen, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Saeko Kajita: Air permeability of cover concrete quality of precast box culverts affected by casting direction, The 5th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering Works and Structures, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.501-506, 2019.11.1
  82. Le Anh Van, Kenichiro Nakarai, Nguyen Huu May, Yasutaka Kubori, Toshikazu Matsuyama, and Hajime Kawakane: Air permeability coefficients of expansive concrete confined by rebars, The 5th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering Works and Structures, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.561-566, 2019.11.1
  83. La Vanny, Kenichiro Nakarai, Halwan Alfisa Saifullah, and Asuka Mizobe: Experimental investigation of loading rate effects on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete deep beams, The 5th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering Works and Structures, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.573-578, 2019.11.1
  84. Kenichiro Nakarai: Japanese durability design and a new index for quality classification of cover concrete, Present situation and future challenges of cementitious materials in Japan and France, Ifsttar, Marne-la-Vallée, France, 2019.12.10


  1. 古谷明寿,半井健一郎,内村太郎,龍岡文夫:補強土工法による地震エネルギー消費,基礎工,Vol.30,No.12,pp.29-32,2002.12
  2. 半井健一郎,三島徹也:第9回構造工学および建設に関する東アジア太平洋会議(EASEC-9),コンクリート工学,Vol.42,No.6,pp.58-60,2004.6
  3. 半井健一郎,石田哲也:Cementitious Materials as Model Porous Media: Nanostructure and Transport Processes に参加して,コンクリート工学,Vol.43,No.11,pp.70-72,2005.11
  4. 半井健一郎,石田哲也,國島正彦:組織マネジメント能力とエンジニアリング能力養成のための総合教育演習-東京大学社会基盤学科の新たな試み-,土木学会誌,Vol.90,pp.52-55,2005.12
  5. 前川宏一,半井健一郎:コンクリート構造工学と地盤工学の知識融合と性能設計,土と基礎,Vol.55,No.2,pp.26-29,2007.2
  6. 浅本晋吾,丸山一平,半井健一郎:2nd international conference on concrete modelling (CONMOD-08) 参加報告,コンクリート工学,Vol.46,No.10,pp.58-59,2008.10
  7. 丸山一平,半井健一郎,下村匠,佐藤良一:コンクリート構造物の耐久性力学,コンクリート工学,Vol.42,No.10,pp.14-21,2009.10
  8. 辻幸和,半井健一郎:マイヤールのウァルチール(Valtschiel)アーチ橋の保存と新設橋,プレストレストコンクリート,Vol.52,No.1,pp.52-55,2010.1
  9. 半井健一郎:スイスの放射性廃棄物処分関係機関に滞在して,コンクリート工学,Vol.48,No.8,pp.52-53,2010.8
  10. 半井健一郎,蔵重勲,岸利治:かぶりコンクリートの透気性に関する竣工検査―スイスにおける指針―,コンクリート工学,Vol.49,No3,pp.3-6,2011.3
  11. 細川佳史,半井健一郎:第64回RILEM年次大会および研究委員会(TC MCT)参加報告,コンクリート工学,Vol.49,No3,pp.63-65,2011.3
  12. 半井健一郎:地球化学モデルによる熱力学的平衡計算のコンクリート分野への適用,コンクリート工学,Vol.49,No12,pp.62-68,2011.12
  13. 半井健一郎,蔵重勲,岸利治:構造物表層のコンクリート品質と耐久性能検証システム,コンクリート工学,Vol.51,No.2,pp.153-158,2013.2
  14. 半井健一郎,丸山一平,下村匠,氏家勲,佐藤良一:コンクリートの収縮問題と耐久性力学,セメント・コンクリート,No.795,pp.11-16,2013.5
  15. 小野秀平, 半井健一郎:大学生を対象とした現場見学会の教育効果,プレストレストコンクリート,Vol.55,No.2,pp.69-77,2013.3
  16. 山崎啓治,半井健一郎:香港における長大橋梁と香港アルプス,プレストレストコンクリート,Vol.55,No.5,pp.47-52,2013.9
  17. 半井健一郎,三田博司,五瀬伸吾,岡田薫:ベトナムにおける高速道路建設技術者の養成~日本からの技術協力プロジェクト~,プレストレストコンクリート,Vol.56,No.3,pp.67-72,2014.5
  18. 岸利治,半井健一郎,上田洋:コンクリート構造物の表層品質測定を対象とした非破壊試験,プレストレストコンクリート,Vol.56,No.6,pp.20-24,2014.6
  19. 半井健一郎,R. J. Torrent:表層透気試験(トレント法)の実務展開,コンクリート工学,Vol.52,No.7,pp.595-600,2014.7
  20. 半井健一郎:コンクリートの表層品質評価における水の活用,セメント・コンクリート,No.812,pp.74-78,2014.10
  21. 半井健一郎,舌間孝一郎,群馬県県土整備部建設企画課:群馬県でコンクリート構造物の品質確保に関する試行を開始,コンクリートテクノ,Vol.34,No.11,pp.14-17,2015.11
  22. 辻幸和,半井健一郎,芳賀和子,坂本浩幸:放射性廃棄物処分施設におけるセメント系材料の溶脱モデルと溶解変質評価,コンクリート工学,Vol.54,No.4,pp.345-352,2016.4
  23. 小林薫,佐々木尚美:半井健一郎:樹脂注入による豆板補修工法の開発,コンクリートテクノ,Vol.36,No.12,pp.54-66,2017
  24. 半井健一郎,泉尾英文:セメント改良土の溶脱劣化,セメント・コンクリート,Vol.853,pp.1-7,2018.3
  25. 半井健一郎:LET’S GO ABROAD!(第23回) スイス連邦 二度目のスイス渡航:今回こそは研究成果を形に,土木学会誌,Vol.102,No.11,pp.36-39,2017.11.15
  26. 半井健一郎,浜本貴史:放射性廃棄物処分施設におけるセメント系材料と周辺粘土等の化学的相互作用,コンクリート工学,Vol.56,No.10,pp.870-875,2018.10
  27. 半井健一郎,半井 恵介, 西尾 壮平:かぶりコンクリートの役割と検査方法 ③かぶりコンクリートの品質の確保と評価,コンクリート工学,Vol.57,No.8,pp585-590,2019.8
  28. 中村弘典,小宮山慎一郎,半井健一郎,北誥昌樹:セメント系固化材による地盤改良の事例調査,セメント・コンクリート,No.881,pp.24-29,2020.7.10
  29. 半井健一郎,千嶋豊久:群馬県における品質確保ガイドラインの策定と展望,コンクリートテクノ,Vol.40,No.5,pp.51-55,2021.5.1
  30. 半井健一郎,泉尾英文,ホー シー ラン:セメント改良土の長期力学特性の評価と課題,基礎工,Vol.50,No.2,pp.2-5,2022.1.28
  31. 西尾壮平,半井健一郎,半井恵介,矢野康平:散水後の目視によるコンクリートの水分浸透抵抗性評価,コンクリート工学,Vol.60,No.8,pp653-660,2022.8.1
  32. 半井健一郎,長井宏平,大野定俊,丸山一平:Journal of Advanced Concrete Technologyの現状と課題,コンクリート工学,Vol.61,No.3,2023.3